Letting your car insurance renew automatically may sound like an attractive option as you won’t need to put in any extra work, and you might be happy with the plan you’re on right now. However, this is one of the most expensive mistakes to make, as deciding not to seek out a better deal means your insurer can take advantage of your indifference and subsequently, hike up your premiums.
Without shopping around first, you could be missing out on endlessly cheaper deals on your car insurance, and there are countless other ways to drive that cost down even further. Here are our top tips:
Consider a telematics policy
Telematics car insurance bases your fees on real data about your driving behaviours, which can be recorded either through a black box fitted to the vehicle or a mobile phone app. As long as you’re a safe and careful driver, this is a great option for any age group, as telematics insurance can offer much lower premiums.
Limit your mileage
By limiting the number of miles you drive each year, insurers will see you as a lower risk, which will qualify you for cheaper insurance.
It’s pinnacle that you provide an accurate estimate of your mileage when getting a quote, as your policy becomes invalid if you’re dishonest.
Improve security
Consider installing security devices such as alarms, immobilisers, and locking wheel nuts.
You should always get a quote on how much your insurance would cost after these upgrades first, so you can weigh up whether the cost of these measures is worth the savings.
Increase your voluntary excess
Opt for a higher voluntary excess when you take out your policy, as it will lower the price of your insurance.
However, if you make a claim, you will have to pay the excess towards the cost of repairing or replacing your car, so make sure you are able to afford the excess just in case you do end up having to pay it.
Pay annually
A lump sum may seem daunting but paying monthly is a loan which comes with interest. This is why paying upfront is a substantially cheaper option if you have the funds to do so, and you won’t end up spending anything on borrowing.
Build up your no-claims bonus discount
Insurers reward drivers who are claim-free by discounting their premiums for cheaper insurance. So, keep driving safely and responsibly and you will see the benefits year-on-year.
Park with care
If you have a driveway or a garage, make sure you keep your car parked there overnight.
This will drastically lower your chances of your car being stolen or vandalised, and insurers may lower premiums as you’ll be seen as less of a risk.
Avoid modifications
Modifications of all kinds — whether they’re upgrades to styling, audio, or performance — could result in a large hike in the price of your insurance.
This is because features such as alloy wheels, body kits, and performance upgrades can make your car substantially more attractive to thieves, and your insurer will see your vehicle as a higher risk. Modified cars also tend to be more expensive to repair due to their expensive parts.
To find out more, please contact us.