Welcome to our April newsletter! In this edition; The rising trend of identity theft of your car, the real benefits of using an insurance broker, why solicitors need to clamp down on fraudsters and how to keep you and your employees safe.
Until next time,
West Craven Insurance
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Many think they actually benefit when they buy insurance direct rather than going through a broker, but is this true? Are there benefits to cutting out the 'middle man' in this case?
You may be surprised to find out just how beneficial a broker can be...
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Vehicle cloning occurs where a number plate is stolen or replicated and used on an unconnected vehicle; it is likened to personal identity theft, but for vehicles. Increasing numbers of legitimate vehicle owners are reporting receiving fines they never incurred as a result of one of their vehicles being clones.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Despite numerous alerts, extensive guidance and wide publicity, solicitors continue to needlessly fall victim to fraud and lose their clients' money to fraudsters on a regular basis.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Although as a business you have an obligation to buy employers liability insurance, ensuring your employees safety and that they remain healthy is just as important as having the right policy in place.