Now that the clocks have gone forward, we can all look forward to longer days and (hopefully) nicer weather. However, the results of a recent study discovered that homeowners should take extra precautions during British Summer Time (BST).
According to data collected by the Co-op, the number of opportunistic break-ins over the last four years increased by 23% when the clocks go forward.
During the summer months, opportunistic burglaries account for nearly two-fifths (37%) of all break-ins. In comparison, during the winter, opportunistic thefts only make up 30% of all break-ins.
The study also revealed the day that homes were most vulnerable, with the majority of break-ins taking place on a Friday. Sunday is the safest day with a reduction of 13% in break-ins occurring on the last day of the week.
The average cost of break-in costs the average homeowners £1,208.
David Huse, OBE, chair of the Neighbourhood Watch Network, said: “Police records indicate that burglary is on the rise. Now, more than ever, people should do what they can to secure their home and possessions. Joining or starting a Neighbourhood Watch scheme is one way you can help reduce your own risk and support your neighbours to do the same.”
Top tips for securing your home:
• Use strong padlocks to secure shed doors.
• Whilst away, ask a neighbour to check in or set lights to a timer.
• Keep windows and doors locked.
• Don’t share your whereabouts on social media.